Gentle Hypnobirthing Norwich Hypnobirthing and Baby Massage for Norfolk & Norwich

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Hypnobirthing in Norwich

Welcome to Hypnobirthing Norwich, If there is any information you cannot find please contact Elizabeth by phone or email and I will be happy to help.

Welcome to Hypnobirthing Norwich and congratulations on your pregnancy. I hope that you are enjoying your pregnancy and looking forward to the birth of your baby.
I am pleased that you are looking at all the antenatal birth preparation possibilities open to you to achieve the calm, gentle type of birth that you want.

This website will help you to understand how Hypnobirthing can help you to achieve a calm birth. Positive, proactive childbirth preparation paves the way for a calm, relaxed and often more comfortable birth.

You will be able to read the birth stories of mums who found that Hypnobirthing classes helped them to achieve a positive birth. Hypnobirthing classes are a complete course of antenatal class preparation.

It will also assist you in choosing professional experienced Hypnobirthing practitioners to help you to learn the skills required for a calm, relaxed birth. I am member of The Hypnobirthing Association UK. which is recognized by The Royal College of Midwives.

Hypnobirthing is a fabulous, empowering way of preparing for the birth of your baby. Hypnosis is an extremely powerful tool that can help during pregnancy and childbirth. It has been used in clinics in the United States for some time to aid conception by reducing anxiety, and some women who were experiencing morning sickness, heartburn, excess weight gain, headaches and leg cramps have found it helpful.
Hypnobirthing is a complete preparation and education programme for birth and beyond, focusing on couples and the family .

Hypnobirthing will help you to understand how self hypnosis, relaxation and easy breathing techniques can enable you to achieve the calm, relaxed and natural birth you deserve. This website will assist you in making the very important choice of a suitable, experienced Hypnobirthing practitioner to teach you the skills required for a calm, relaxed birth

If you live in Norfolk within reach of Norwich, access to me is easy. I live just off the Unthank road and hold my couples classes at home. I usually see couples for 4 sessions with a free 5th get together after the birth. One of the sessions I devote to the mum alone but all the others are for both mum and dad. If couples or mums feel they would like an extra quick 'catch up' session , then that can be arranged. All courses are arranged for the couples convenience - daytime or evenings. The cost is cost £155 which includes a folder of information and a book and several CDs individually tailored to you.

You may like to book well in advance. I am happy for couples and mums to come to the class when you have confirmed your pregnancy or more importantly, begun to feel even more excited about your baby's birthday.

If you have any questions about how Hypnobirthing classes can help you please contact either of me on on 07970416177 or via email
It is always useful if you give us a contact phone number when you email so that we can contact you.

* links to other websites:-

Jane Sheehan Therapies

Your baby’s Birth Day is the most important day of its life; you need to prepare well for it.

Katie says "HypnoBirthing was so valuable in our preparation for having our twins. Using the techniques helped my husband and I really connect with our unborn babies. The techniques have also been invaluable in many situations, besides in the birth of our babies"

Home. Donna

Donna with her baby

Donna used hypnobirthing to prepare for the birth of her babies and also had pregnancy reflexology. To see her reviews go to the facebook page link at the top of the page.

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