Gentle Hypnobirthing Norwich Hypnobirthing and Baby Massage for Norfolk & Norwich

Hypnobirthing Stories #01

Some lovely Hypnobirths

Kate's birth story
On Kate's due date she had been having mild surges intermittently for a few days.
She went for an appointment at the VBAC clinic at 5pm and the midwife found she was already fully effaced and 5cm dilated!She had to stay in and so went to the ward. At 10pm she asked for 2 paracetamol and managed to sleep off and on until 3 am.After going to the delivery suite Kate managed by using her breathing techniques and a little gas and air. The surges stopped for a while and then at the 7am shift change I had a lovely midwife who I knew and my heart lifted immediately! She had a lovely gentle, caring way about her; and was very nurturing. She told me I was doing amazingly well and it was a delight to hear, her praise genuinely boosted me. I'd sent my husband away to refuel and he arrived back at 7:30 and things felt to be moving along at quite a pace, I had an innate sense of something happening and I knew it wouldn't be long before I met my new little boy. My baby heart rate had drooped and decided to assist with forceps I was reluctant to push as I still thought he might progress by himself.On the second surgeI did try a little push and he moved so on the next one I gave an almighty push and the doctor told me to prepare for him pulling with the forceps then to my astonishment Alexander's head popped out,then with the next surge I pushed him out and he arrived in my arms before I knew what had happened.
Just before she left at 2pm she asked me if I'd have a VBAC again, she seemed taken aback when I said yes. She said I should go to clinic with her and talk to her ladies, I'd make a fab advert for VBACs!

Alexander was born on our 4th wedding anniversary. I'll struggle to beat that anniversary present next year!

Thank you so much for all your support,I couldn't have done it without you and I feel just a little bit smug that the people who helped me most in this process were women, you and the midwife are both such lovely kindhearted, caring ladies. The ladies won the day for me this time!

D's birth story
I came for HypnoBirthing after having a birth experience which left me feeling that I would certainly not consider having anymore my birthing experience second time around was just incredible to say the least. I can only put this down to my HypnoBirthing classes which allowed me to really relax and let my body take care of the process.

Six years later I fell pregnant again. Thrilled at the thought of a new baby...... terrified of how he was going to come into the world!!! I was recommended to have HypnoBirthing, which I had in individual sessions.

Due to back problems I was induced early I was on the dreaded syntocyn drip which may not be ideal but I followed my breathing techniques and coped well. Towrds the end I was a little scared 29 minutes later I pushed my baby boy out all by myself with no pain relief!!!! the feeling of euphoria came over me it was overwhelming! I was able to hold my baby for an our skin to skin contact it was amazing. 4 hours after I gave birth I was allowed to leave the delivery suit @the hospital which suited me as all I wanted was to get home to show my other little boy.

It gives me great pleasure in telling everyone just how lovely my experience was and gives others hope who are not quite so sure of what to expect.

Sarah's story.
Like most expectant Mums I was nervous about the birth of my first child and fully expected to require an epidural and for it to be an horrendous experience with lots of screaming! After attending a Hypnobirthing class I completely changed my view of birth as it not only taught me how to relax but I also learnt so much about the process of childbirth which allowed me to fully understand what my body was made to do. Armed with this understanding and with all the relaxation techniques I had been taught I felt ready to face whatever way my labour would go.

I practised my breathing and relaxation techniques as much as I could once I left work and when the time came everything felt like second nature to me. I did not realise I was in labour as I had been so relaxed and thought I was just practising my 'surge breathing' with every Braxton Hicks!! It was only once my waters broke that I realised this was the real thing!! By the time I arrived at the hospital I was 10cm dilated and ready to have him. Whilst the actual birth itself was not entirely as I had hoped due to the urgency of his arrival, I was relaxed about the way things were going and still felt in control despite the required use of forceps to deliver him quickly.

I am certain that I would not have felt this way without the Hypnobirthing classes and cannot recommend Jane highly enough.

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