Gentle Hypnobirthing Norwich Hypnobirthing and Baby Massage for Norfolk & Norwich

What you will learn. Camber

What you will learn

  • The theories and rationale for Hypnobirthing

  • About your body and how it functions in pregnancy and labour

  • Special breathing and relaxation techniques

  • How to release any fears and anxieties you and your partner may have about labour and birth

  • Self hypnosis which will allow you to be totally relaxed and in control

  • Partners learn to encourage and support throughout labour and during the birth

  • Early bonding

  • Early parenting skills

  • Useful advice on breastfeeding

    What about Dad?

    It is very important that the husband/partner learns the Hypnobirthing techniques with the mother, as he has a vital role to play.

    Birth transforms a couple into a family, the husband should not watch from the sidelines. With Hypnobirthing he is completely involved in the important preparation, the labour and the birth as well as with the care of the new baby. He acts as an advocate for the mother at all times.

    During labour and the birth he will use support mechanisms and massage techniques and he will apply the special deepening techniques he has learned to enable the birthing mother to remain calm, relaxed and comfortable. He is close and involved as the baby is born.

    If he wishes he may cut the cord. This level of involvement and early bonding lays strong foundations for the new role of fatherhood. This will continue as he helps with the care of the baby in the early weeks and throughout its life..

    Hypnobirthing in the Media
    Please select from the links below to view articles and videos about hypnobirthing:

    Enjoyable pain free birth is a hypnotic idea

    Giving your baby a relaxed start in life


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